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Staff list

Please see the staff list for Senior Hampstead below

North Bridge House Hampstead has a dedicated and passionate team of teachers who provide a stimulating curriculum tailored to each pupil’s needs, as well as careers guidance, university preparation and outstanding pastoral provision.

Scroll down to find out more about the staff at North Bridge House Senior School, or to receive staff qualifications, please email

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Cognita CEO: Frank Maasen
Cognita European Director of Education: Sarah Reynolds
Cognita European CEO: Michael Drake
Chair of Governors: James Carroll

Senior Leadership Team

Brendan PaveyExecutive Headteacher
Mr Christopher JonesHeadteacher
Mr James GarrettAssistant Head (Academic), Head of Y11
Miss Ariana OliverAssistant Head (Operational)
Mr Trent SticklandAssistant Head (Curriculum)
Mrs Vanessa Waysome Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Ms Katharine HarneyAssistant Head (School Community), Head of English, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Joshua Wilkinson Assistant Head (Pupil Development), Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

All Teaching Staff

Mr Karim AmarTeacher of French and Spanish, Head of Year 7
Mr Daniel ClarkeTeacher of Science, Head of Year 11
Mrs Clare O'KeefeTeacher of PE, Head of Year 9
Mr Mark AshleyHead of PE
Mrs Ina BaritschTeacher of French and German, Form Tutor 8 Baritsch
Ms Sara BenaissaTeacher of Spanish and French, Form Tutor 9 Benaissa
Mrs Louise BlairTeacher of DT, Textiles (P/T)
Mrs Arezoo CorrigallTeacher of DT, Food Technology
Mr Daniel CrawshawTeacher of Maths, Form Tutor 9 Crawshaw
Mrs Ana CvorovicTeacher of Art
Mrs Filomena D'AlessioHead of Science
Mr Rida DahirSports Assistant, Form Tutor 7 Dahir
Ms Agatha DellHead of Year 8, Teacher of English
Mr Sean DesaiTeacher of Food and Technology, Cover Supervisor
Miss Laura DonnellyTeacher of PE, Head of Houses, Form Tutor 11 Donnelly
Mr Geoff GordonsmithTeacher of Science, Form Tutor 10 Gordonsmith
Miss Emma GraceTeacher Drama and LAMDA (P/T)
Mr Aharon GrantTeacher of Science, Form Tutor 9 Grant
Ms Eleanor GreenTeacher of English (P/T)
Mr Tony HowardTeacher of Art
Ms Ramona lancTeacher of Science, Form Tutor 10 Ianc
Ms Penny JonesTeacher of Drama, Form Tutor 10 Jones
Mr Sean KiddTeacher of Geography, Form Tutor 10 Kidd
Mrs Eleanor KowalewskaTeacher of History, Form Tutor 10 Kowalewska
Ms Crystelle Le LabourierTeacher of French and Spanish (P/T)
Ms Tzs Yu (Cherry) LeungTeacher of Mathematics, Form Tutor 7 Leung
Mr Justin MeeresTeacher of Science, Form Tutor 7 Meeres
Mr Laurence MitchellGraduate Assistant, Form Tutor 9 Mitchell
Mrs Tiana MontgomeryTeacher of History, Form Tutor 11 Montgomery
Mr Carl NaybourTeacher of Maths, Form Tutor 8 Naybour
Ms Ivy NgTeacher of Maths, Form Tutor 11 Ng
Mr Hugh RichardsonTeacher of Science (P/T)
Ms Penelope Ritchie2nd in Science, Teacher of Science, Form Tutor 11 Ritchie
Mr Gianluca RizzoTeacher of PE, Form Tutor 10 Rizzo
Mr Davi Rodrigues BorgesHead of Maths
Ms Sophie RoutierTeacher of French and Spanish (P/T)
Ms Syeda SalmahTeacher of English, Form Tutor 7 Salmah
Miss Lisa SeidelTeacher of English, Form Tutor 8 Seidel
Dr Mingyan ShaoHead of Computing (P/T)
Mrs Ellen SwinglerHead of Visual Arts
Mrs Jilly ToppingTeacher of Visual Arts (P/T)
Miss Randa TurquiTeacher of English, Form Tutor 11 Turqui
Ms Kate WatsonHead of Geography, Form Tutor 9 Watson
Mr Christian WilliamsHead of Latin and Classics, Form Tutor 11 Williams
Mr Faisal ZainuddinTeacher of Mathematics, Head of Year 10
Mrs Charmalyn SeptemberSENCO

Support Staff

Mr Gary BrazierReceptionist and Attendance Lead
Miss Esther EkolieFirst Aid Lead
Mrs Nicole HopkinsData & Assessment Manager
Miss Tamara ZedginidzeSchool Secretary and SCR Champion
Ms Christina-Diana Bejan Science Technician
Mr Simon DayCaretaker
Ms Nuala DowdScience Technician
Ms Mary NimalAdmissions Officer
Ms Elsabet MalvarnAdmissions Manager
Mr Larry De SouzaCleaning Supervisor
Ms Rosie SimmonsSchool Administrator
Ms Roxanne SmeeSchool Therapist


North Bridge House Hampstead Senior School