Admissions Enquiries: 020 7428 1520

Welcome to Senior Hampstead.

At North Bridge House Senior Hampstead, we are on a constant journey of getting to know every student as an individual; because we understand that success is not just about academic achievement, but also about every child finding and realising their true personal potential. From ages 11 to 16, every pupil benefits from the widest range of subject experience, delivered by a dedicated team of subject specialists who are committed to maximising the strengths of each individual.

Knowing the individual.

We pride ourselves on really getting to know each individual child on their journey to becoming well-rounded people as well as academics, adopting a ‘high support, low pressure’ model to help every student achieve more than they believe possible.

Fostering academic excellence.

We continue to achieve impressive GCSE grades year after year – celebrating 51% grades 7-9 in 2022 – and our pupils progress to a range of successful Sixth Forms – including that at North Bridge House Senior Canonbury and those at some of the major London Day Schools.

Specialist Teaching Expertise.

Our specialist staff are truly dedicated to inspiring a lifelong love of learning and enjoyment of their subject. Tailoring teaching and learning to the individual, our teachers use evidence-based research to inform teaching methods and develop metacognition in our students, enabling them to effectively evaluate their own learning behaviours.

Our collaboration on research projects with UCL’s Institute of Education and experts on the adolescent brain allows us to deliver a progressive, forward-thinking educational experience, understanding our learners and guiding them on the journey from pre-teen to young adult.

We have implemented a later midweek start time to reflect current findings regarding teen sleep and, alongside our academic teaching staff, a dedicated Head of Pastoral ensures we have happy children, empowered in every aspect of school life.

Make an enquiry


Enquiries :020 7428 1520