At North Bridge House, we dedicate ourselves to deeply understanding each pupil as a unique individual. We believe success encompasses more than excellent academic results—it’s about each student discovering the path that aligns with their distinct talents and personality. Guided by our excellent teachers and the wealth of opportunities both within and outside the classroom, a North Bridge education helps every student achieve their full academic and personal potential, leading them on their journey to finding their True North.
Whether you are looking for one of our vibrant campuses transitioning to Alleyn’s Regent’s Park (September 2025) or Alleyn’s Hampstead (September 2026), or are seeking our Canonbury Senior and Sixth Form (students aged 11 to 18) in leafy Islington, we offer a variety of choices. Families can benefit from the option of a stress-free all-through education or choose individually tailored preparation for the next stage of their child’s school career.
Our Regent’s Park Prep School for 4 to 13-year-olds is becoming Alleyn’s Regent’s Park this Autumn. Our Nursery, Pre-Prep and Senior School in Hampstead are transitioning to become an all-through option, complete with a Junior School in September 2026.

Follow us on social media for the latest news, events and everyday learning.
Our students have been exploring masculinity and the expectations that come with it. For the last few years, the Progressive Masculinity workshop has given them a space to challenge stereotypes, rethink expectations, and have honest conversations. Some have taken part before, others are just starting, but every voice adds something important.
Workshops like this matter. The pressure to fit into a certain idea of masculinity is everywhere, now more than ever - on social media, in friendships, even in the shows we watch. But real strength is about being open, being kind, and figuring out who you truly are.
Hearing our students share their experiences just proves how important these conversations are. More of this. Always.
#nbhhampstead #RethinkingMasculinity #ConversationsThatMatter #BreakingTheMould #BeyondTheStereotypes #adolescence #studentworkshop #progressivemasculinity

Year 2 had a wonderful experience last week as Freshwater Theatre Company took them back in time to the Great Fire of London. Through interactive drama and storytelling, our pupils not only learned about the event but also engaged with it - building empathy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills along the way.
Workshops like this make history more than just a subject, they offer a chance to experience the past in a way that deepens understanding and sparks curiosity! 🏙️
#nbhhampstead #greatfireoflondon #handsonhistory #activelearning #year2 #freshwatertheatre #wearecognita

We have been celebrating all week for Culture Week 2025, as our students embraced the stories, traditions, and identities that make our community so special. Throughout the week, student-led assemblies explored folklore from around the world, House Competitions put cultural knowledge to the test, and form-time quizzes sparked conversations about different traditions. Lessons took on a global twist, with activities that made us all appreciate the diversity woven into our school community.
Yesterday’s Bake Sale raised £230 for our chosen charity, @showracismtheredcard, with an incredible spread of homemade treats from various countries. And today, we wrapped off the week with the Culture Week Celebration Event, featuring incredible performances, short presentations, and live House Competitions. Our students arrived in non-school uniform, proudly wearing flag colours or traditional clothing, and together we raised a fantastic £311, bringing our total to £541 for an important cause.
Culture Week is more than just an event, it’s a reminder of our ongoing commitment to celebrating and embracing diversity every day. 🌍
#NBHCultureWeek #MoreThanJustAWeek #DiversityInAction #ShowRacismTheRedCard #nbhhampstead #wearecognita

Science is all about transformation!
For this year’s British Science Week theme, ‘Change and Adapt,’ our pupils have been exploring the fascinating ways living things evolve to survive in their environments. They have been learning how animals use camouflage, through disruptive colouration and disguise, to blend in and stay safe. Putting their new knowledge into action, they then hide butterflies around the Elm classroom, bringing the importance of science to life in the most exciting way! 🌿🔍
#BritishScienceWeek #ChangeAndAdapt #STEM #ScienceInAction #nbhhampstead

Yesterday, the iconic Alleyn’s cornflower found new roots at our Hampstead Nursery and Pre-Prep campuses!
Our Pre-Reception - Year 2 pupils teamed up across both campuses to plant their seeds side by side, marking a special occasion as we look forward to our exciting journey towards becoming Alleyn’s Hampstead Nursery and Junior School. A beautiful symbol of growth, unity, and the bright future ahead! Now we watch as these seeds, and our future, thrive! 🌱💙
#HampsteadPrePrep #alleynsschool #GrowingTogether #wearecognita #hampsteadnursery #nurseryactivities

We took learning to the high seas, as Year 9 spent the day aboard the Fortescue Green Pioneer Vessel in Canary Wharf, a dual-fuel ammonia-powered vessel on tour all the way from Singapore.
Aboard the vessel, our students had the unique opportunity to explore key areas, including the ammonia power system, engine room, and bridge. They were guided by the Chief Engineer, Chief Officer, and other staff, gaining invaluable insights into sustainable maritime practices. They also took part in hands-on sustainability challenges and first aid training on the main deck, and participated in a CPR workshop led by Atlantic Pacific International Rescue.
The Green Pioneer isn’t just a vessel, it’s a floating hub of innovation, demonstrating how sustainable solutions can be woven into everyday life at sea. And experiences like this highlight why sustainability isn’t just a concept, it’s a responsibility. Understanding it in action is the first step towards making a real impact. Not your average school day, but definitely one to remember! We were one of only a few schools to tour the vessel, making this an exciting opportunity for our students. ⛴️
#GreenPioneer #SustainabilityInAction #LessonsBeyondTheClassroom #nbhhampstead #wearecognita #ecofriendly #londonshipping

We had the most magical time celebrating World Book Day at Nursery and Pre-Prep today!
The sun was shining, and our little ones brought their favourite book characters to life with the most adorable costumes. Pre-Prep’s Costume Parade was full of creativity and excitement, whilst Nursery dressed up and even got creative making their own bookmarks. A perfect day to celebrate the joy of reading and storytelling.
What’s your favourite story? 📚
#worldbookday #favouritebook #nbhhampstead #wearecognita #schoolparade #fancydress #preprep #nurseryschool

With the sun making a lovely appearance, our Pre-prep pupils had an exciting day at @zsllondonzoo last week for their transition event, getting to know their future teachers from @nbhregentspark and preparing for their next big adventure this September!
With a scavenger hunt to complete and plenty of incredible animals to see, the trip was a great way to learn, explore, and start feeling at home with some familiar faces from their new school.
We loved seeing their curiosity and confidence grow - September can’t come soon enough! 💛
#transitionevent #nbhhampstead #preprep #londonzoo #prepreptoprep #year2 #wearecognita

From Nursery to A Level, ages 2 – 18
Across our North Bridge campuses we educate children aged 2 to 18. Many children join us for their entire journey, from Nursery to Senior School.